Friday, March 26, 2010

Assassination of Robert Kennedy

Today in World News Robert Kennedy got shot. He was John Fitzgerald's brother. During his campain today he got. He supported Civil Rights Movement and aid for the poor. I was hoping he would be Preident because he crried and when he died I was very mad and furious

Assassination of JFK

JFK just got shot!!! I just saw from the television. It was in Dallas Texas. Morgan and I thought that the U.S.A would change and never be the same. It was very sad and I was in shock. Morgan and I were most shocked about Kennedys plans about the moon landind but he never got the chance to see it.

Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the Montgomery Busboycott. Also, he inspired people with speeches and his most intersting speech that we thought was 'I Have A Dream' speech. He believed in non-vilense and disliked blacks being seperated from whites. He got shot and it was very sad when he died ,and I thought it was heartbreaking because all he wanted to do is to not be seperated by color.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A new Family Activity

The invention of the television changed how people saw the world and if television wasn't here Nolan and I would not be happy. Morgan and I thought it was intersting that 9 out of 10 people had a television. Finally it helped because we could see real life action on the television.

Space Race

JFK was just elected and the us entered the space race.This is a hard competitition with the su. The su sentthe first person to space. I bet we will catch up. Then Su sent Sputnik into space to make shore it was ok. JFK promised that we would beat the Su but then Morgan and I heard that JFK got shot in Dallas Texas. We were shocked!! Then we were so happy that Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were.
the first to land on space.

The Vietnam War

The country of Vietnam War was just like the Korean War. The North was the communist and the South was non-communist. First Morgan and I noticed that the U.S.A. was wanted to stay out of it ,but then we sent troops over but we just lost lives and billions of dollars. I personally think it was very scary because our dads and brothers went to help the U.S.A.